A New Focus on How We Choose Personal Climate Actions

An Open Door Brings a New View - Read On

An Open Door Brings a New View - Read On

If you’ve noticed a very quiet summer on this site, I’ve been off making changes.

Interest in climate change has been building over the last five years and I shifted along with the rest of the world. My initial concern and blogposts about whales grew to include more and more about overall climate change.

Starting in November, I will focus on a new blog: Personal Climate Choices. It’s a place for sharing how we make these decisions. The five years of posts about whales are still available at Whales, Art, & Warming Oceans Archive.

New Tools

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Regular readers have seen some of the ideas and images I will be building on. One is the set of circles for sorting the five layers of climate change ripe for personal action. The welfare of whales will still be included, now in the layer of Habitats and their creatures.

If you would take a look at these layers, I’d like to ask a favor. As you think briefly of each layer, notice which sparks the most (or least) interest from you.

¤  Food

The costs of our food industries reflect environmental impacts and the roles food plays in our family and cultural identities.

¤  Stuff

How we produce, choose, and discard our earthly belongings has become a global problem. Worldwide shipping with its invisible pollution of fossil fuels and noise all reflect our consumer choices.

¤  Energy

Humans have interwoven energy sources into nearly all facets of our lives, far beyond the gifts of heat and light. Our lifestyles, and sometimes life itself, hinge on clean energy worldwide.

¤  Habitat

Temperature, sunlight, acidity, tides, AND humans intermingle to create regional habitats that are unique. If we don’t understand what keeps them humming, we can’t protect them, nor the creatures that depend on them for life

¤  Life Support

Each species needs specific patterns of clean air and water to survive. These resources may differ by region but are inherently global.

Could you then take a minute to share with a short comment what you noticed? Click the “Comment” icon, type your thoughts, and “Enter”. In the final box, enter a first name and choose "Comment as Guest". No password or login needed.

When I post on each over the next months, I will include what your care about most. Thanks for that and to all who have commented here before.


For now, you don’t have to do anything else. In November, I’ll send the first post of the new blog and you can decide whether to opt in to receive the new blog’s posts. As before the excerpt of each new post comes directly into your email box.

I’ll close today with appreciation for those readers of blogposts over the last five years. Here’s a chance to shift to a more focused and active stance in doing something for both the whales and the larger planet.