Artful Climate Reminders


Many folks are questioning how our small personal choices will be enough to slow climate change. From just one person’s view, it’s hard to measure the impact of these individual choices.

The Art

Chris Jordan’s artwork above helps us see how the consequences of our many small acts can add up. The image is made up of 28,000 barrels of oil, the amount consumed every two minutes in the U. S. Click on the image on his site to zoom in and see each 42-gallon barrel (Oil Barrels, 2008) That’s one million, one hundred seventy-six thousand gallons (1,176,000) every two minutes.

This artist has become a spokesperson for honoring each person’s contribution. His 2008 TED talk goes beyond the visual impact of his socially relevant artwork. Spend 11 minutes with him for a quick uplift.

Connecting the Dots

He reminds us how to connect what we do in our cars and kitchens to the larger planet. The Oil Barrels piece makes visible the direct connection between burning fossil fuels in our cars and the warming atmosphere. Some of his other works highlight the visible pollution of plastics and junk mail that also eventually affect the greenhouse gas cycle.

One Small Part

He inspires me to notice, and sometimes photograph, views of what climate change will be affecting. Please pass on any favorites of yours in the comment section below. Share in words or jpeg pictures what’s reminding you of the one small part you care about.

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#Climate Change
#Climate Art