Are you dissatisfied with what you’re doing about climate change?

a personal question

a personal question

I am.
You may have seen that my Personal Climate Choices blogposts on have dwindled during covid times. If you have a few minutes, I could use your help to refocus them on what concerns you most.

  • If you’re willing, think for a moment about what brings up that dissatisfied feeling when you’re responding to climate change. For example, some common dissatisfactions are

    _   I don’t know how to judge which actions will be effective.

    _   My worries about the future make it seem hopeless to try.

    _   I get lost trying to understand the graphs and science.

  • Briefly describe your dissatisfaction below and maybe give an example. If you are satisfied with what you’re doing, hoorah! Please share that as well.

  • Thanks for taking time to share your input. Add your Name and Email if you’re open to follow-up questions from me.

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